加拿大航空app,一般又称Air Canada。
The new Air Canada app (“app”). Designed to enhance and simplify your travel experience.
pressing the “Install” button or by downloading the app, or setting up
your device to do so automatically, you consent to the installation of
the app, its future updates and upgrades and to the Air Canada Mobile
App Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) that govern the use of the app that
are available here: http://www.aircanada.com/en/mobile/tc_android.html.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by uninstalling the app. For
help uninstalling the app, please contact us at android@aircanada.ca.
Home Screen
Get contextual updates based on your travel plans and preferences.
Aeroplan®† Sync
Retrieve your bookings automatically by linking your Aeroplan account to your Air Canada mobile+ profile.
notified for check-in and boarding reminders, gate changes, flight
delays, cancellations, booking changes and more. You can receive
notifications by push notifications, email or text message.
Boarding Pass
Save your electronic boarding pass for easy access and online use.
Book Flights & Manage Trips
Purchase flights and manage your trips (select seats, purchase travel options, change, cancel a booking).
* NEW: Book in US or Canadian dollars. Set your currency from Settings >Preferences.
Air Canada Altitude® Digital Card
Download a digital version of your Altitude membership card for pres2021正规高频彩entation at the airport, and access to lounges.
Air Canada Rouge® player (In-Flight Entertainment)
Watch Air Canada Rouge® movies, TV shows and more on d'Air Canada Rouge® flights.
Air Canada mobile+
your information, preferences and payment details in a secure
environment, allowing you to purchase Air Canada products and services
from your mobile device quickly and easily.
Support for Android Wear
Follow your flight status, boarding time countdown and access your boarding pass directly on your Android Wear device.
These functions apply when enabled:
• Location: your location data is used to show the closest airport for booking, flight status and check-in.
• Contacts: allows contacts you select to receive flight status notifications.
• Calendar: your flight information is added to your calendar.
• Camera: you can add your Aeroplan number, credit card number and expiry date using the camera to ease future purchases.
Notifications: (push notification, email, SMS message) are used to send
you service messages such as check-in and boarding reminders, boarding
pass updates, booking changes, flight status changes, credit card and
passport expiry reminders. You can customize these preferences in the
app’s Menu >Settings >Notifications
• Wi-Fi connection
information: used to determine if Wi-Fi internet access and a connection
is available for the in-flight entertainment system on Air Canada
Rouge® flights.
• File system access/system storage: used to temporarily store data for in-flight entertainment system content.
Your device identity log information (phone make/model, device
language, operating system and app version) is attached to emails you
send us when you report an issue using the app.
downloading or updating this app, you understand that Air Canada may:
collect data about your device in order to serve you the correct
software, as well as maintain and develop its services; require that you
change some of your device settings to use specific features; collect
personal information as detailed in our Privacy Policy. For more
information, please see
Air Canada, PO Box 64239, RPO Thorncliffe, Calgary, Alberta, T2K 6J7 privacy_vieprivee@aircanada.ca
® Air Canada Rouge, Altitude and Star Alliance Registered trademarks of Air Canada in Canada.
®† Aeroplan is a registered trademark of Aimia Canada Inc.
• Starbucks Partnership: Now you can earn and redeem Aeroplan points with Starbucks by linking your accounts. Go to the 'Aeroplan' tab to get started.• As usual, we include bug fixes in every update to improve the quality, performance, and stability of the app.


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新优(宁波)智能科技有限公司是一家专注于“互联网+智慧能源”的创新型科技服务公司,公司成立于2018年12月,注册资金2880万元,总部位于国家级产城融合示范区——宁波杭州湾新区,2019年获得宁波市建筑节能服务企业,宁波市科技创新性初创企业。 新优以“创新、创造,让智慧能源服务社会”为使命,依托SEMS智慧用能管理平台,以物联网、云计算、边缘计算、移动互联网、智能AI、大数据等为技术基础,实现对各类用能单位的电、水、气、热、蒸汽、环境、重点能耗设备等综合用能数据的集中监控和管理,使能源管理可视化、精益化、标准化。同时开展智能配电运维、负荷预测、用能质量治理、光伏新能源接入、充电桩建设运营等综合能源服务,致力于成为更具价值的智慧能源供应商。 公司拥有大批在互联网、电力以及数据分析的专业技术人才,研发实力强大,拥有《综合能源信息共享服务平台》《设备运维交互信息化系统》《杭湾电工任务信息发布平台》《一种用于输电线路的远程监控系统》《一种断路器的过载报警系统》等多项专利,拥有《电力工程施工总承包三级》《建筑机电安装工程专业承包三级》等资质。 目前,公司已在杭州湾新区、慈溪、宁波等地区布局综合能源服务业务,其中SEMS智慧用能平台服务平台已为宁波杭州湾数字经济产业园、麟沣医疗产业园、华强方特、慈星工业园、宁波杭州湾新区管委会、浙江沁园水处理科技有限公司、浙江长华长盛汽车零部件有限公司等近百家企事业单位提供能源监测服务,投资建设充电桩4座。
邯郸开发区屹立汽车服务中心,简称邯郸屹立汽车服务。位于邯郸市高开区世纪大街21号鑫通大厦底商, 是公司高标准打造的专注经营隐形车衣(漆面保护膜)、改色膜、汽美的专业门店。是美国龙膜漆面保护膜、 美国艾利改色膜、BOP漆面保护膜、CYS车衣裳改色膜、AX改色膜在邯郸市的官方授权旗舰店。同时与瑞士SWISSVAX、 德国SONAX等汽美品牌建立了长期稳定的合作关系。我们拥有优秀的施工团队,专业独立的贴膜无尘车间, 安装有水雾降尘设备、中央空调等专业的施工设备。可为您的爱车提供专业无忧的贴膜服务和汽美项目。 同时我们提供整店输出服务,我们会帮助更多热爱汽车服务行业的伙伴拥有属于自己的事业。
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